Daily skin routine _ 6 indispensable steps

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The minimal skin care routine that you should do every day

Most of us only have time for a simple skin care regimen. We all know that taking care of your skin is essential to both your health

General and delay the appearance of signs of aging, but with the emergence of many new products and trends in beauty care

Different skincare products are everywhere, finding a simple skincare routine, let alone sticking to it, seems almost impossible

But even if you're committed to keeping your skincare routine as simple as possible, there are still some rules

that must be followed. In order to get to the most important piece of the skincare conundrum, we spoke to a few skincare experts to find out exactly what you need to do—at the very least—to take care of your skin.

1. Use a gentle daily cleanser 


From the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep, your skin is subjected to harsh elements. UV exposure
Harmful effects, pollution and daily routine all cause damage and aging of the skin.
your face before going to bed. You must get rid of the dirt on your face to help your skin repair
"Creating this habit will make taking the other steps easier."
Q's Rosehip Wash It makes your skin more elastic and vibrant because it contains rosehip musk that rejuvenates
Fibroblast cells responsible for the production of skin cells from collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin, and thus responsible for the freshness and elasticity of our skin.


2. Always wear sunscreen 


The damage caused by UV rays affects the skin all year round, not just in the summer

We've heard it over and over again, but it remains true: SPF is a must when it comes to your skincare routine. Not a moisturizer with SPF or a foundation that has SPF in it. You may need to actually apply sunscreen. 

"The sun is responsible for 90 percent of skin aging, so sunscreen is important," says Alex Cerone, dermatologist.

An SPF 30-50 sunscreen is the best anti-aging product money can buy

Use it daily, no matter the season or if you'll be indoors. Don't forget that UV rays,

that age skin, can break through the windows."

“A wide range of skin care products can help

Sounds intimidating for sure, but just remember that the basics are most important when it comes to good skin like a condom

Strong sunscreen with a minimum sun protection factor of 30. You are fooling yourself if you think that the protection factor of

SPF 15 is sufficient to protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun.

Q's Sunscreen SPF 50 +Free of parabens, it protects the skin from aging that results from exposure to sunlight, and works to lighten the skin and unify its color

3. Moisturise twice a day

Your skin loses hydration throughout the day, the hydration that keeps your skin supple and youthful. Apply moisturizer twice
Daily, once in the morning and once at night. "This routine ensures that you're clearing your skin, and helps with...
Revitalize your skin cells for healthier, hydrated skin and, most importantly, protect it.
With all the moisturizers on the market, finding one that you like can be challenging. Vitamin cream bad
Q's Moisturizer is a dermatologist-trusted cream enriched with Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid to help
In restoring the skin barrier and retaining moisture


4. Exfoliate your skin once in a while, not every day 


After a while, dirt residue can build up on your skin. Exfoliation frees your skin of dead skin buildup that can
Causes irritation, dullness and acne. While you don't have to exfoliate every day, make it part of your grooming routine
skin several times a week.
"Once you feel comfortable enough with your basic skin routine, I recommend exfoliating a few times a week
Using a chemical exfoliator because it speeds up the removal of surface dead skin cells, allowing the active ingredients in skin care products to penetrate better, ultimately leads to healthier, smoother skin,” says Dr. Idris.

get up ampoules Peeling from Kews For dewy and glowing skin
Use this twice a week to prevent dead cells from building up

5. Add an anti-aging product 

Adding the first three steps here are essential to creating and maintaining healthy skin. However, to improve even
For the simplest skin care routine, add an anti-aging product to help prevent skin aging caused by acne
harmful environmental factors
 Collagen is a protein in the skin that deteriorates with age, especially after the age of 30 or younger if they don't receive care
especially. Without the help and presence of collagen fibers, the skin loses its elasticity, softness, and natural shape.
Collagen protein is located between the skin and muscle and makes up approximately 30% of the total protein content of collagen
The human body, so that presence is crucial to the appearance of the skin of the face and body
Collagen fibers are usually smooth and organized within the epidermis in parallel, which increases sensitivity to
outside over time. This encourages and directly affects skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, use
Aesthetic treatments Collagen is essential to combating the harsh aging process and delaying its effects on the skin. the purpose
The main one is to regenerate connective tissues and strengthen the hydration capacity and water retention inside the cells.
One of the great advantages of collagen is its complete compatibility with skin cells and its assimilation by all skin types, even
Rejuvenate with generous Colastin From Quse Free of harmful parabens, which contains the highest quality of
Marine collagen and elastin, which have an effective effect in treating wrinkles, tightening the skin, and improving skin elasticity

6. Don't overthink

Skincare is supposed to be fun, so don't let yourself get stressed out by the beauty hype. Stay
The basics of good skincare are the same. In addition, once you get comfortable in your current routine, you can
Always add something new
One great way to get started? says d. Rogers: "Focus on finding a face wash that you like, and use it every night." "this is
The simple step is the most important because it helps you build an evening self-care ritual that allows you to do more for your skin when you're ready.

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